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Steve Witt.

Real Estate Agent, Belle Property Dee Why
Speciality suburbs
  • Collaroy
  • Collaroy Plateau
  • Collaroy Beach
Speciality suburbs
  • Collaroy
  • Collaroy Plateau
  • Collaroy Beach

You're in safe hands.

With over 17 years’ experience in real estate on Sydney’s Northern Beaches, Steve is a licensed Real Estate Agent with a professional high energy approach and an outstanding track record. He has consistently achieved strong sale prices across a wide range of properties sold, including apartments, family homes, prestige estates and boutique and large-scale developments.

Steve was an agency Co-director for four years before becoming one of the founding members at Belle Property Dee Why in 2014. Steve is also personally active in the property development space, not only as an agent but as a developer as well. He appreciates Belle Property’s superior marketing which enables him to present each client’s home as “the best in its class”.

Steve believes in tailored marketing solutions for every property and places great emphasis on lifestyle as well as bricks and mortar features. Steve and his team meticulously follow up every buyer and pride themselves on keeping vendors up-to-date at every stage of their marketing campaign to ensure they are always ready to make educated decisions.

Teamwork comes naturally to Steve, who was a professional rugby league player until 2005. His team includes joint Lead Agent - Jo Morrison, Sales and Marketing Manager - Melissa Halgren, Residential Sales Consultant - Howie Hill and Junior Agent - Tenzin Tsega. With each of them offering a different skillset, they work together to ensure a premium service for every client.

Jo Morrison & Steve Witt's team.

Real Estate Agent
Client Services Manager

Speciality suburbs.


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