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Susie Taylor.

Sales Associate, Belle Property Balmain
Speciality suburbs
  • Balmain
  • Balmain East
  • Birchgrove
  • Lilyfield
  • Rozelle
Speciality suburbs
  • Balmain
  • Balmain East
  • Birchgrove
  • Lilyfield
  • Rozelle

You're in safe hands.

Born in Wellington, raised in Brisbane and a real estate career in San Diego, Susie Taylor has developed a diverse background of skills and knowledge on a global scale.

Articulate and driven, Susie’s Bachelor of Business Administration and Masters in Leadership Studies has furthered Susie’s natural ability in creating relationships, delivering effective, strong campaigns and superior customer service.

Susie’s passion and drive is complimented by being a competitive sportswoman, where she thrives in the dynamic, fast paced and ever changing real estate industry, a true asset to the Belle Property Balmain team.

Susie’s calm and capable manner alongside experience in high end real estate from around the globe, ensures a premium experience for both the seller and prospective buyers.

Monique Dower's team.

Speciality suburbs.


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Are you curious about what your home is worth? For an accurate assessment of its current value organise your complimentary property appraisal today.

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