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Scott Fletcher.

Speciality suburbs
  • Coolbinia
  • Menora
  • Yokine
  • Dianella
Speciality suburbs
  • Coolbinia
  • Menora
  • Yokine
  • Dianella

You're in safe hands.

Scott is a fully licensed real estate agent and after more than 22 years of selling residential property and leading top performing teams, he brings a level of experience, results and local knowledge that very few can claim. He lives, works, and plays in the local area, and is an active member of the community with a finger on the pulse of the prestige property market and a keen insight that gives him a definite edge over the competition.

At the heart of Scott’s genuine approach is his ability and eagerness to help clients achieve their real estate goals and dreams, whilst building strong relationships that are long-lasting, meaningful, and based on trust. He has an outstanding reputation of honesty and integrity in the industry and works hard and intelligently during the sales campaign to achieve the highest price in the shortest amount of time, ensuring pleasurable buying and selling experiences.

He knows his market back-to-front and has a common-sense style that is especially valued by customers throughout the sales process. Together with the luxury national brand and team culture of Acton | Belle Property, Scott offers his vendors so much more in terms of professionalism, experience, and marketing-excellence, ensuring a premium level of service and results are assured.

Request an appraisal.

Are you curious about what your home is worth? For an accurate assessment of its current value organise your complimentary property appraisal today.

Please submit your details below and we will be in touch to arrange a suitable time.

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