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Rebecca Williams.

Sales Associate, Belle Property Balmain
Speciality suburbs
  • Balmain
  • Balmain East
  • Birchgrove
  • Lilyfield
  • Rozelle
Speciality suburbs
  • Balmain
  • Balmain East
  • Birchgrove
  • Lilyfield
  • Rozelle

You're in safe hands.

A committed real estate professional with exceptional determination, Rebecca Williams has proven her dedication to her chosen career completing a Bachelor of Business Degree specialising in Finance, Law and Marketing.

Working within the highly competitive inner west market Rebecca’s ambition to become Balmain's leading agent is evident by her passion, persistence and professionalism.

Working alongside the Belle Property brand, Rebecca is proud of her position within in the premium Sydney real estate market.

Rebecca’s enthusiasm and open nature coupled with her dedication ensures a smooth and successful sales campaign experience. She repeatedly delivers a premium outcome for all her clients.

Rebecca is a true asset to the Belle Property Balmain team.

Lynsey Kemp's team.

Speciality suburbs.


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Are you curious about what your home is worth? For an accurate assessment of its current value organise your complimentary property appraisal today.

Please submit your details below and we will be in touch to arrange a suitable time.

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