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Noeline Ross.

Sales Representative, Acton | Belle Property Mandurah
Speciality suburbs
  • Halls Head
  • Dudley Park
  • Erskine
  • Mandurah
  • Falcon
  • Dawesville
  • Wannanup/Falcon/Avalon Beach
  • Lakelands
  • Bouvard
  • Madora Bay
Speciality suburbs
  • Halls Head
  • Dudley Park
  • Erskine
  • Mandurah
  • Falcon
  • Dawesville
  • Wannanup/Falcon/Avalon Beach
  • Lakelands
  • Bouvard
  • Madora Bay

You're in safe hands.

Recognised as one of Mandurah and WA’s top selling representatives, Noeline Ross has been selling real estate in Mandurah for 19 years and has lived here for 24 years.

She sees herself as being a “people person” and has the gift to be able to connect naturally with everyone who comes into contact with her. This is a terrific advantage to have as people trust Noeline implicitly and look to her for real estate guidance and direction. She is one of the most respected real estate agents in Mandurah and will go the extra mile to ensure that her clients are completely satisfied.

Working in retail management and owning her own business for many years before her real estate career, Noeline brings a wealth of knowledge and skills to share with her buyers and sellers alike. She works with the highly professional Noeline Ross Team that shares her vision for providing unrivalled customer service and the latest innovative marketing to make her sellers’ properties stand out from the crowd.

With the support of her hard-working team, Noeline has been awarded Sales Champion for Acton | Belle Property Mandurah for nine years running and has achieved Master Salesperson for REIWA multiple times. Her dedication to achieving the best price for her clients has earnt her many happy clients and referrals along the way. Noeline’s numerous written testimonials are a testimony to her absolute dedication and outstanding service to her clients.

Speciality suburbs.

Wannanup/Falcon/Avalon Beach.

Request an appraisal.

Are you curious about what your home is worth? For an accurate assessment of its current value organise your complimentary property appraisal today.

Please submit your details below and we will be in touch to arrange a suitable time.

Contact me.

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