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Leanne Palmer.

Real Estate Agent, Belle Property Canberra

You're in safe hands.

Leanne was introduced to real estate at the early age of 20. She has been trained by some of the industry’s most highly motivated and dedicated members. After 5 years of working in Sydney’s prestigious Lower North Shore, Leanne left the industry with her real estate course completed and the highest quality training.

For the next 15 years Leanne was dedicated to operating her own air conditioning & heating business in Wagga Wagga with her husband Dave. Her passion for sales and delivering excellent customer service enabled substantial growth where it became the region’s most successful business.

Leanne’s passion for real estate has stayed with her over the years and when her family relocated to Canberra, she immediately re-entered the industry she loves, joining LJ Hooker Manuka in 2003. She is now a proud member of the Belle Property Canberra team.

She is acutely aware that results are achieved through hard work and dedication. This is where Leanne’s attention to detail, highly organized approach and personal service comes to the fore. With a strong background in property management and sales, Leanne can offer the whole package to her clients. When appointing Leanne as your agent you can be assured she will inject energy and commitment into achieving the best result for you.


Leanne Palmer's team.

Real Estate Agent

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