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Greg Griffin.

Speciality suburbs
  • Avalon Beach
  • Newport
  • Bilgola
  • Bilgola Plateau
  • Clareville
  • Palm Beach
  • Whale Beach
Speciality suburbs
  • Avalon Beach
  • Newport
  • Bilgola
  • Bilgola Plateau
  • Clareville
  • Palm Beach
  • Whale Beach

You're in safe hands.

A consistent high performer, Belle Property Avalon’s Director, Greg Griffin has a clear vision – to be the Number One agency in Pittwater and to be a constant innovator in the way things are done. Greg comes from a long line of real estate professionals and is recognised as an elite performer within the industry, boasting vast experience, superior negotiation abilities and an exceptional skillset honed over two decades in the industry.

Greg regularly sets new benchmarks and is one of the most consistent agents in the area. He has maintained a remarkable auction clearance rate of over 90% over the last five years regardless of market conditions and has sold over 840 properties locally.

Greg brings a calm head and absolute commitment to every transaction, delivering a tailored approach to every client, intuitively working with each property’s unique attributes to bring them to light. Honest, open and forthright, clients are kept well-informed every step of the way with their aspirations and goals always forefront of mind.

Greg’s extensive portfolio of ‘Sold’ properties includes everything from modest entry-level apartments to some of the areas’ landmark real estate. The diversity of his portfolio reflects the lifelong working relationships Greg has developed with his clients. He has a genuine passion and interest in enhancing the lives of his community and with his high performing team around him provides a real estate experience that is without peer.


Greg Griffin's team.

Speciality suburbs.

Palm Beach.

Request an appraisal.

Are you curious about what your home is worth? For an accurate assessment of its current value organise your complimentary property appraisal today.

Please submit your details below and we will be in touch to arrange a suitable time.

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