Chyna Schreiber.
- Avalon
- Newport
- Bilgola
- Bilgola Plateau
- Clareville
- Whale Beach
- Palm Beach
- Avalon Beach
- Bilgola Beach
- Avalon
- Newport
- Bilgola
- Bilgola Plateau
- Clareville
- Whale Beach
- Palm Beach
- Avalon Beach
- Bilgola Beach
You're in safe hands.
A Northern Beaches property professional, Chyna brings with her a wealth of experience and local knowledge that has fast tracked her results in the real estate industry.
Chyna spent many years working in the corporate sector both locally and internationally, gaining great respect from her peers in achieving outstanding results for her clients.
Working alongside Mark Griffin, Chyna’s love and knowledge of all things Northern Beaches is matched only by her passion for people. She cares deeply about her clients, making them feel at ease and keeping them informed, always with their best interests at heart.
She is known for being professional, diligent, honest and approachable and will always go the extra mile to ensure a perfect result.
The culture at Belle Property Avalon aligns with Chyna’s own. The company welcomes creative and challenging input and values trust and honesty- traits which she says are vital for strong, successful relationships.
Chyna and the highly experienced Belle Property team offer a refreshingly positive real estate experience, with a commitment to service and community that is second to none.
Mark Griffin's team.
Speciality suburbs.
From our blog.
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