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Belle Property returns to The Block in 2023.

Belle Property is excited to be part of The Block again this year, representing Kristy and Brett Beams, team red from South Australia in the series set on Charming Street, in Melbourne's Hampton East, Victoria.

The sales campaign for 18 Charming Street, Hampton East will be driven by Belle Property St Kilda/Brighton sales agent Julian Cannata and auctioneer Sam Inan.

The high-performing team from St Kilda/Brighton were delighted to be chosen to represent Kristy and Brett and house 3, in Hampton East and it is their second time on The Block having been part of the 2018 series which saw the renovation of The Gatwick hotel in St Kilda.

“We are delighted to be part of season 19 of The Block, the leading real estate program in Australia. This year’s standard appears to be even higher than ever and we are excited that they are showcasing Melbourne’s bayside suburb of Hampton East,” Julian and Sam said. 

“The contestants, project manager Kristy and safety officer Brett Beams are really easy going and they are learning as they go along,” Julian and Sam said. “Their youth and vibrancy is allowing them to create something that is very special out of their untouched 1950s home and it isn’t something you will see in every magazine. They are doing a great job on what is the only corner block in this year’s series, which is a unique selling point within itself.”

Like in previous years, five teams are participating and the team whose house sells for the highest amount over the reserve price on auction day will get to take home $100,000 prize money, plus any profit achieved over the reserve price.

“It is certainly not your average auction sales campaign and tests every part of you. There is so much activity and noise around the campaign and you rarely know your buyers until the week of the auction. We believe that we will achieve a great result due to the home effectively being a new build - which is highly desirable to buyers at the moment -  coupled with its bayside location. Being part of The Block is certainly an exciting journey and one we are thrilled to be a part of,” Julian and Sam said.

CEO of Belle Property, Peter Hanscomb, said the national real estate group is excited to be back on The Block again in 2023, “We back Kristy and Brett and our Belle Property team in Julian in Sam 100 per cent. Our long-running association with The Block means that we can provide the very best in service to the team and wish them well in their campaign. With the standard already so high we can’t wait to see their finished build and a positive outcome for them and house 3 in 2023,” said Peter.

The property listing for 18 Charming Street, Hampton East, Victoria is now live on homes will be auctioned live on Channel Nine in early November 2023.

The Block: Charming Street, airs Sunday at 7pm and Monday to Wednesday at 7.30pm on Channel 9 and 9Now,